Satya Chai Lounge
Auckland CBD, Auckland, North Island
Satya Chai Lounge offers a delightful experience with its Indian street food, craft beers, and cocktails. Specialising in over 220 different beers, it has earned a place in Cuisine NZ's top 100 restaurants and Metro Auckland's top 50 bars. Established in 1999 by Swamy and Padmaja Akuthota, the lounge serves Southern Indian delicacies like dosas, idlis, and traditional curries. Signature dishes include bite-sized chickpea snack dahi puri, kurryaage chicken (an Indian twist on fried chicken), and slow-cooked lamb, making you feel like you've been whisked away from Tāmaki Makaurau for the evening.
Photography: Courtesy of Satya Chai Lounge
Gift Card Eligibility
Best Restaurants Gift Card
Not accepted
Cuisines Indian
Price Mains $20 - $30
Type Restaurant, Bar